The report is categorized into sections that highlight each of major discussion topics.

Sell the program to businesses and gain their support The group agreed to review the notes from the discussion and provide additional input that will create baseline data for use in the strategic planning discussion that will occur before the end of The following is the overview of the discussion from the SWOT analysis meeting which was held at the Nelson Atkins Museum of Art on July 10, A list of items that need further discussion (referred to as the Parking Lot) follow the SWOT analysis.

Develop tools/metrics to demonstrate value of MainCor and the CID. The entire board, not just Executive Committee should be engaged and involved Branding, marketing i. Develop a business to business mentoring program as a means of business development Member involvement and support i. Should/can MainCor sell management services to others (Broadway, Westport, etc.) Communicate with various constituencies to drive business attraction and retention i. Should MainCor leverage its knowledge to generate revenue? 1. How can the organizations develop additional sources of revenue? ii. The group discussed the organization s Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats and prioritized the most important areas for further development, which include: Funding i. The purpose of the SWOT analysis discussion was to: build on the organization s strengths minimize the organization s weaknesses seize opportunities counteract threats The meeting was attended by the following: Fred Wells, Dan Musser, Mark Zimmerman, Peter Cassel, Nathan Guffey, Susan Scott, Randy Williams, Veronica Sellers, Pam Hoelzel, Ted Wiedeman, Jim Edson, Jeffery Kieffer, Marco Gonzalez, Scott Conklin, Wes Crawford, Dennis Smith, Jon McGraw, Joyce Thompson, Stephanie Porter, Kellie Johnston Dorsey Staff: Stan Henry, Leandra Burnett, Andrew Pollock, Diane Burnetteģ SWOT analysis 1. 1 Main Street Corridor Development Corporation and MainCor Community Improvement District SWOT Analysis Conducted by Mary Anne Murray Simons Consulting July 10, 2013Ģ A joint meeting of members of the MainCor and MainCor CID boards was held on Jto discuss and prioritize the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT analysis) facing the two organizations.