Olympus Mons: Misty's Kyogre, Mewtwo, Mewthree, Entei, Raikou, Suicune, Moltres, Zapdos, Articuno, and Celebi.The Charmander line was considered the hardest to start with, but as soon as it learns Dragon Rage, that always-40 damage will be very helpful.
Not Completely Useless: Remember all those debuff attacks in the original game? Remember how you got rid of them most of the time in favor of offensive attacks? They're back, and they are VERY helpful. The good one restores the health of your Pokémon that are on the map every so often the evil one appears as a near-undefeatable creep. My Future Self and Me: The two Celebi in Celadon Gym. On the brighter side, you can always catch them even when they are at full health! Thankfully, an alert appears before you face against one. Shiny Pokemon are also present in this game. Metal Slime: You have a really tiny chance of finding Pikachu in Viridian Forest, Abra on Route 5, Eevee on Route 8, and catchable Cubone in Poké Tower 1 (for Eevee, replace "really tiny" with "infinitesimally microscopic"). Easter Egg: A surfing and flying Pikachu can be seen on the title screen if one waits for a while. Dungeon Bypass: Some creeps will guard themselves with Protect as they run/fly/swim by your towers, like the Goldeen and Shellder in Cerulean Gym, Picnicker Ariana's Gyarados in Rock Tunnel and a few Persian in Lavender Town. Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?: The second Cerulean Gym level has two of your Pokémon vs. Creator Cameo: Sam Otero appears in the first level of Chapter 5, Rocket Hideout. Captain Ersatz: Maruto is totally not another character from another anime.
Boss in Mook Clothing: The Boss units, especially those which are fast and hard to defeat (Cerulean Gym's Starmie, for example). It's a recurrent aspect that some Hero will come right when needed, from Oak and Gary to specific Pokemon. Big Damn Heroes: At the end of the first level, Oak's Lab, Gary Oak arrives with his Blastoise to fend off the horde of incoming Rattata. As a result, the risk of accidentally knocking out a shiny is much lower compared to the main games.
The game's speed automatically resets to 1x, and a shiny will always have a red health bar, so you can catch it as soon as it appears. The screen freezes to give you an alert that a shiny Pokémon is about to appear, which stays until you click it.
Anti-Frustration Features: When it comes to catching shiny Pokémon.